Tom Talks College
I’m Tom Kleese, founder of OnCampus College Planning, and my job is to help your family take positive steps on the journey to an incredible college experience.
Tom Talks College
Episode 9 - 33 colleges + 9 states + 11 days = The Great College Road Trip
Tom Kleese (Owner of OnCampus College Planning)
Season 1
Episode 9
I'm heading out to visit 33 colleges in 9 states in 11 days. Here's why I'm doing this and how it will help your family. Here's the list...Oberlin, Case Western, RIT, Rochester, Syracuse, Cornell, Hartwick, SUNY Oneonta, RPI, Middlebury, Vermont, Dartmouth, BC, BU, Berklee College of Music, Northeastern, Wentworth, Worcester Polytechnic, Trinity, Wesleyan, Fordham, Rutgers, Naval Academy, Johns Hopkins, Goucher, Swarthmore, Villanova, Lehigh, Lafayette, Penn State, Duquesne, Pitt and Carnegie Mellon.